Roni Sue Jenkins

Council Member, City of Glen Cove

Party: Democratic

Candidate Questionnaire Responses

When in office, what will you do to reduce harm and ensure there is social and economic equity for Black Long Islanders? If you are an incumbent, what policies/initiatives/laws have you supported that do this?

Creating social and economic equity in government involves a multi-faceted approach. Here are some key steps:

Initiatives might include supporting educational opportunities, job training, and community engagement. Actively recruite underrepresented groups, ensuring their voices are heard. It's crucial to collaborate with local organizations and leaders to create effective strategies and seek their input and collaborate on solutions.

A long-term commitment is needed: Understand that achieving social and economic equity is a long-term process that requires ongoing commitment and adaptability.

Implementing these measures can help create a more equitable government that serves all members of the community.

Is there anything else you'd like us to know about your campaign?

Roni-Sue is Co-Founder of a women's website and advocate for women; with a marketing and finance degree, Roni-Sue spent her career in advertising, winning numerous awards. She has three children, is a past PTA President, active member of our schools, has coached several youth sports teams and received numerous recognitions as a "Hometown Hero"; an 18 year committee member of the DRI, a Hibernian, Emcee of the St. Patricks Day Parade and a Top Fundraiser for the National MS Society. A long-time resident, Roni-Sue's marketing background is a valuable asset - her knowledge and skills can help promote local businesses, events, and initiatives, contributing to the overall well-being of the area. Effective communication and outreach are crucial for creating positive change.