David Glazer

Receiver of Taxes, Town of Southampton

Party: Democratic

Candidate Questionnaire Responses

When in office, what will you do to reduce harm and ensure there is social and economic equity for Black Long Islanders? If you are an incumbent, what policies/initiatives/laws have you supported that do this?

As a receiver of Taxes, I will have little direct impact on our community, since the job is restricted to just collecting the tax and distributing the funds to legislatively proscribed offices. As part of the larger Democratic team running the town, I will ad my voice to those of my colleagues to insure equitable access to information and town resources for all of its citizens. Every member of the Town has a voice and we would encourage them to use that voice to raise any issues of concern so the Town can be responsive to all its residents.

Is there anything else you'd like us to know about your campaign?

I am facing a 16 year incumbent who, if re-elected, will serve for 20 years on the same job. We hear very little about the Receiver of Taxes which is good and bad. We just dont know what we dont know until we take a good look at how the office is managed and determine if it can be more efficient with new technology.