Craig Herskowitz

State Senate District 2

Party: Democrat

Campaign Link

Candidate Questionnaire Responses

When in office, what will you do to reduce harm and ensure there is social and economic equity for Black Long Islanders? If you are an incumbent, what policies/initiatives/laws have you supported that do this?

Addressing systemic racism and working towards social and economic equity are important values to me. I don't want to use the phrasing that I will "ensure," because we know that social and economic equity for Black Long Islanders is a goal that has not yet been made reality. The work of equality is ongoing. To start, I have been countering the narrative of my MAGA-backed opponent that serves to scaremonger in ways that disproportionately stigmatize BIPOC individuals. I will work with racial justice advocates to identify areas of concern, and my office will follow their lead when setting priorities around issues. I know education, bias in policing and small business relief will be among the issues we address together, but I want to hear from Black constituents about where my office could be the most helpful.

Is there anything else you'd like us to know about your campaign?

Born in Huntington, NY, and raised in Northport, NY, I have a long-held passion for public service and the pursuit of justice. After attending American University, I interned for Senator Edward M. Kennedy in Washington, D.C., and Congressman Steve Israel in Hauppauge, NY, learning to write and move legislation as well as the importance of constituent services.

As an attorney, I worked at the F.B.I. and the U.S. Department of Justice Criminal Division, where I actively participated in various high-profile cases involving terrorists, drug traffickers, and money launderers. Those successful prosecutions further solidified my commitment to serving the public and ensuring the fair application of justice.

In 2019, I was appointed Assistant Counsel to the Governor. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he waived copayments for testing and vaccinations, implemented telehealth, and provided tax relief for small businesses and families. I assisted in establishing the restaurant return-to-work tax credit program to help restaurants re-open.

I also served as an NYC administrative law judge, presiding over hearings and ensuring the principles of justice are upheld.

I will bring to Albany a deep understanding of the issues facing our community, a passion for making a difference, and an absolute commitment to serving my fellow Long Islanders with honor and integrity.